Company Profile

Mloun is a WordPress website design company in China, Build Chinese Website, Make a WordPress Website for the Chinese Market.
The content of the homepage of China’s website is rich and colorful, and the layout is more detailed. In general Chinese sites are more colourful and use a wider colour scheme than western websites.Our web design conforms to Chinese habits.
The smartphone became the first and primary device for Chinese consumers.
In China, most people never experienced the desktop device.As of June 2020, the number of Chinese Internet users has reached 940 million, equivalent to 1/5 of the global Internet users; the Internet penetration rate reached 67%, and the proportion of Internet users using mobile phones to access the Internet was 99.2%.
Mloun has focused on wordpress web design for 10 years. Serving more than 1,000 companies and more than 500 overseas customers. The average working experience of the designer team is more than 5 years. Create a variety of styles, PC, tablet, mobile phone, responsive professional WordPress website
We make a WordPress Website for the Chinese Market,the operation of the dashboard is exactly the same as you are in your country, allowing you to quickly launch Chinese marketing.
We can provide website hosting and maintenance services, you only need to focus on sales or marketing services.